Readings and Events

Wednesday, June 19th, 2024
”Beyond the Binary: Gerty MacDowell and ‘Nausicaa’ as ‘Open’ Texts’”
Un/decodable Joyce panel (with Professor James Ramey, author of Joyce without Borders: Circulations, Sciences, Media, and Mortal Flesh)
9:30-11:00 am British Summer Time
“Across the Waters”: XXIX International James Joyce Symposium
Glasgow, Scotland

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024
Reading/ Signing/ Book Birthday Party with Lindsey Webb, author of Plat
6 pm MST
The King’s English Bookshop
Salt Lake City, UT

Thursday, May 2nd, 2024
UW-Madison Program in Creative Writing Awards Ceremony
7 pm CST
Central Library- Community Room 301 & 302
Madison, WI

Thursday, April 18th, 2024
Spring Poetry Reading (with Carl Phillips & Sam Sax)
7 pm EST (Reception starts at 5:45 PM)
Georgia Tech
Atlanta, GA

Saturday, February 10th, 2024
Winter Here Book Signing
1-2 pm CST
Booth 722 (University of Georgia Press) at the Bookfair
Association of Writers & Writing Programs Conference
Kansas City, MO

Friday, February 9th, 2024
Winter Here Book Signing
12-1 pm CST
Table T1837 (Beloit Poetry Journal) at the Bookfair
Association of Writers & Writing Programs Conference
Kansas City, MO

Thursday, November 16th, 2023
Guest Writers Series: Snowcroft and Levis Prize Reading
7-8 pm MST
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT